The LifeHouse Church Podcast

The official podcast of LifeHouse Church in Kern County. Listen to sermons, special talks, and much more from Pastor Saul Gonzalez, our campus pastors, and guest speakers. For more information, visit

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Friday Feb 09, 2024

Imagínate esto: no eres simplemente una cara más en la multitud: eres la sal y la luz, que encienden un cambio positivo dondequiera que vayas. Sumérgete en este sermón mientras descubrimos cómo abrazar los valores de conexión, influencia y transformación de Cristo puede empoderarnos para dejar un impacto duradero en el mundo que nos rodea.

Saturday Feb 03, 2024

Ever felt stuck, facing a wall you can't climb over? Meet a group of friends who refused to let barriers stop them from bringing hope to a paralyzed man. Their story isn't just ancient history—it's about the power of unity, faith, and determination to overcome life's toughest challenges. Join us as we uncover how their journey can inspire us all to conquer our own mountains and make a real difference.

Thursday Feb 01, 2024

¿Alguna vez pensaste en tu papel para marcar la diferencia? Imagínate a ti mismo como sal y luz, iluminando lo mejor de los demás. Explore cómo valorar a las personas, agregar valor, vivir buenos valores y compartirlos puede generar cambios positivos y confianza en las comunidades.

Saturday Jan 27, 2024

"Move or Die Trying" parallels the story of four lepers with everyday challenges, urging listeners to tackle obstacles head-on rather than passively accept defeat. It emphasizes the need to ask tough questions, make decisions based on faith and conviction, and take practical steps forward, all while extending compassion and support to others in similar struggles.

Saturday Jan 27, 2024

Esto mensaje es paralelo a la historia de cuatro leprosos con desafíos cotidianos, instando a los oyentes a enfrentar los obstáculos de frente en lugar de aceptar pasivamente la derrota. Enfatiza la necesidad de hacer preguntas difíciles, tomar decisiones basadas en la fe y la convicción y dar pasos prácticos hacia adelante, al mismo tiempo que se extiende compasión y apoyo a otros en luchas similares.

Sunday May 07, 2023

Imagine you have been given a garden to tend. You have the responsibility to take care of the garden and ensure that it flourishes. You have to decide what to plant, how much water and sunlight to give it, how to protect it from pests, and when to harvest the crops. Your goal is to make the most of the resources you have been given and to produce a bountiful harvest.
Likewise, as Christians, we are called to be good stewards of the resources that God has given us. We have been entrusted with time, talents, and resources, and we must use them wisely to further God's kingdom and serve others. The story in 2 Kings 4 illustrates the importance of stewardship and shows us that even when our resources seem limited, God can multiply them and use them for his purposes.

Sunday May 07, 2023

Imagina que te han dado un jardín para que lo cuides. Tienes la responsabilidad de cuidarlo y hacer que prospere. Tienes que decidir qué plantar, cuánta agua y luz solar darle, cómo protegerlo de las plagas y cuándo cosechar los cultivos. Su objetivo es aprovechar al máximo los recursos que se le han dado y producir una cosecha abundante.
Del mismo modo, como cristianos, estamos llamados a ser buenos administradores de los recursos que Dios nos ha dado. Se nos ha confiado tiempo, talentos y recursos, y debemos utilizarlos sabiamente para promover el reino de Dios y servir a los demás. La historia de 2 Reyes 4 ilustra la importancia de la mayordomía y nos muestra que incluso cuando nuestros recursos parecen limitados, Dios puede multiplicarlos y utilizarlos para sus propósitos.

Sunday Apr 30, 2023

Giving generously can bring joy and fulfillment to our lives when we do it from a place of abundance and gratitude rather than obligation or guilt. When we understand the heart of generosity, we can experience the overflow of God's love and blessings in our lives and the lives of others.ABOUT LIFEHOUSE
We know that life can be hard, we are here to make sure you don’t face it alone. If you’re ready for your next step at LifeHouse, find your location here:
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Wednesday Apr 26, 2023

04-23-2023The LifeHouse Church PodcastBrief summary of the episode: Pastor Saul shares how important it is to share your story. He shares how we can use our own story or someone else's story we know, and demonstrates how the person comes out of their tomb and immediately takes the position of a disciple, sharing what God did in their life.ABOUT LIFEHOUSE
We know that life can be hard, we are here to make sure you don’t face it alone. If you’re ready for your next step at LifeHouse, find your location here:
Find more info about us at or download the Church Center app at
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Wednesday Apr 26, 2023

El pastor Saul comparte lo importante que es compartir tu historia. Él comparte cómo podemos usar nuestra propia historia o la historia de otra persona que conocemos, y demuestra cómo la persona sale de su tumba e inmediatamente toma la posición de un discípulo, compartiendo lo que Dios hizo en su vida.


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