The LifeHouse Church Podcast

The official podcast of LifeHouse Church in Kern County. Listen to sermons, special talks, and much more from Pastor Saul Gonzalez, our campus pastors, and guest speakers. For more information, visit

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Monday Feb 07, 2022

In the first of our new series of February, "Now What?", Pastor Saul Martinez shares some tips on how you can stop believing the lies so you can ultimately find your purpose.

Monday Feb 07, 2022

En la primera de nuestra nueva serie de febrero, el pastor Jeffrey comparte algunos consejos sobre cómo puede dejar de creer las mentiras para que finalmente pueda encontrar su propósito.

Monday Jan 24, 2022

This message contains a challenge and charge to say yes to God’s Call on your life afresh and new all over again.

Monday Jan 24, 2022

Respondiendo al llamado de Dios — Otra Vez para servir: cuando Dios Te Llama por tu nombre.

Monday Jan 17, 2022

What if I actually took responsibility for my life, putting it in a position where God could do more & better things with it than what I could ever imagine?  What if I actually dared to live a larger life, to ask God for bigger things, and to believe more things are possible than impossible? We are fooling ourselves if we think that we can just leave it all up toGod to bring His will to pass in our lives without any effort on our part. Often we find in the Word where receiving the promises of God are conditional.

Monday Jan 17, 2022

Todos hemos recibido promesas… hemos generado sueños con la esperanza de alcanzar nuevos desafíos y abrazar nuevos logros. Pero, muy a menudo nos topamos frente a frente con la realidad de un tiempo largo, frío y desesperante de prueba y de espera.

Monday Jan 10, 2022

In part 2 of our "New" Sermon series, Pastor Saul shares some practical tips on how to successfully start over - again.
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Monday Jan 10, 2022

En la parte 2 de nuestra serie de sermones "Nuevos", el pastor Saul comparte algunos consejos prácticos sobre cómo comenzar con éxito de nuevo.

Monday Jan 03, 2022

In this brand "NEW" series in 2022, Pastor Saul shares 5 steps to start fresh this year.
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